Rebuy or Regret: My Personal Review on NexGard

You are probably here because you wanted to check real pet owners’ reviews whether or not NexGard is effective in eliminating ticks and fleas on your dog. To save you time from reading my full story, I would answer yes, and every day you prolong your decision to buy one for your dogs is an added suffering to them.

NexGard Personal Review

Buy NexGard Here

I had my first pet even before I was born – that is how I got my first pet, I just grew up with her. I was born into a pet-loving family from my grandparents to my mother, they have owned countless of dogs since the beginning. All of those were aspins (asong Pinoy) and we live in the ideals that a pet that has no breed deserves love and compassion.

A long time ago, we “manually” remove ticks and fleas by hand. In 2022, my friend in school gave me my first-ever Shih Tzu. I got two aspins at home but I took the Shih Tzu because she’s too pretty to be rejected. Forward to the days, one day her eyes became blurry and I had to take her to the vet. I know owning dogs with the breed is likely more expensive than owning native dogs. Probably because they are not natives.

One of the medicines that was prescribed to me was not NexGard. It was a different name, I forgot, but it serves the same purpose. I was hesitant to buy it because it was expensive. Before using NexGard, I would buy ticks and fleas spray, powder, collar, and soap. But they did not serve their purpose. There were still a lot of ticks and fleas all over. 

The vet that I visited also told me that what the bare hands could kill is only limited to what the eyes can see. But without our sight, there are still eggs, minute organisms, and itch that our pets experience. The vet also told me that no matter how hard we try, we cannot eliminate all of those with our hands, and it is just giving our pets unnecessary stress.

I finally decided to check out one NexGard. Since my shih tzu is small, I selected the one in 2kg-4kg. It was around P400 at that time. The rider delivered my item late in the afternoon so I had to administer the medicine around night time. Good thing that she likes the chewable and she takes it without problems. It was like a piece of dog food.

The next morning when we woke up, I could not explain the sorcery. Her ticks and fleas were all dead and all I had to do was sweep the floor and take the dead bodies of the ticks and fleas from her fur. She also stopped scratching herself and more in peace the whole day.

After that, I decided to buy one for my other dogs. I have four dogs as I write this review. 

Here are some hacks that I learned and maybe can help you as you start too:

-Instead of buying per piece, I bought the one in higher “kilogram” 20kg to 50kg and I would chop it into four, giving the smallest chunk to my shih tzu and the bigger parts to my aspins.

-I don’t normally buy per month (but this is the recommended dosage). I would observe when they would start to slightly scratch again and administer the follow-up medicine.

-Not all dogs like it. I would mix the NexGard in the meals of my other dogs. But I have this one dog who is smart enough to leave all the NexGard pieces in his bowl. I would take a plastic bottle, put a teaspoon of water, and force-feed the NexGard to him. It is expensive, he needs to take the last remaining piece.

Buy NexGard Here

So far, so good. Hope this helps you!

Rebuy or Regret

Rebuy. NexGard has been so effective and helpful for me as a pet owner.


Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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