Pepe: The Home of Slow Food Cooking

Pepe is a slow-food Filipino-Spanish restaurant in San Antonio, Oton, Iloilo. It advocates for a slow food movement. Slow food promotes the importance of preserving local food traditions, sustainable agriculture, and encouraging the enjoyment of high-quality, locally produced food. It is the complete opposite of the fast food culture that has become prevalent in our community.

Pepe wanted to encourage every guest to take the time to enjoy meals with family and friends, savoring the flavors, and fostering a sense of community around the table.

Pepe Menu

At Pepe, you can order food that is good, clean, and fair. It is not only delicious but every bite supports local farmers and artisans who use traditional, organic, and sustainable practices.

Mrs. Wharton Lazy Susan Pepe Menu 1

Mrs. Wharton Lazy Susan Pepe Menu 2

What We Had

We had their pangpagana, rice, bakareta, adobo sa buko, Spanish bangrus, sinugba nga talong nga may giniling nga baboy kag gata, and ginprito nga ibos nga may paho. We also had their version of tinu-om.

Spanish bangrus
Spanish bangrus
sinugba nga talong nga may giniling nga baboy kag gata
sinugba nga talong nga may giniling nga baboy kag gata
ginprito nga ibos nga may paho
ginprito nga ibos nga may paho
calamansi juice
calamansi juice

How to Get There

Pepe is located inside Casa Rivera in San Antonio, Oton, Iloilo. Here are the jeepneys you can ride going to the area:

Simply tell the driver that you are heading to “Alcariba”. If the driver is not familiar, try to say “Cunalum” as more would be familiar with this landmark.

Commuter friends from the city can get a ride for OTON jeepneys at Atria Park District, Diversion Road (Monkey Grounds), or Molo Plaza.

Alternative routes can also be any jeepney headed to the 1st towns of Iloilo – either of the following: TIGBAUAN, TUBUNGAN, GUIMBAL, SAN JOAQUIN, and MIAG-AO which you can ride from Iloilo Terminal Market, or Mohon Terminal Iloilo City.



Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Lazy Susan: The Home of Sichuan-Flavored Meals

Sat Jun 1 , 2024
Lazy Susan is now located inside Casa Riviera in Oton and is probably one of the boldest food places in Iloilo City to offer Taiwanese food. While it has its roots in China and Chinese foods are pretty famous in the city, to provide something “Taiwan” (other than milk tea) […]

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