Ker & Co., Ltd. are exclusive distributors, shipping agents, insurance agents, and indentors. Among the products sold by this firm are sewing thread, milk, fluorescent lamps, candies, coffee, baking powder, yeast, whiskey and wines, juice concentrates, wires and cables, outboard motors, hardware, wood preservative, etc. It is best to get […]

On the northern part of Iloilo lies the Municipality of Ajuy, Province of lloilo. It is 87 kilometers from Iloilo City. It extends from Piliwan, its southernmost sitio to Serruco River in the north. Its jurisdiction is bounded in the south by Ajuy Bay, in the north by the town […]

Balasan was the once big town in Northern Hloilo In 1847, Govemor Silverio of Capiz permitted Francisco Arriola of the pueblo of Navas, Capiz (now town of Aklan), to settle on the unpopulated eastern part of Capiz. With 50 families, Arriola sailed and settled at what they called Bolokawe. Later, […]

Originally, the recipe for bibingka called for tuba as leavening agent, on account of yeast present. Filomena Pepino learned how to make bibingka from her mother- in-law, Crescenciana Atrazo. For 40 years, she has been vending bibingka along the beach at Arévalo. But the origin of bibingka is vague. Some […]

Like the medieval wafer, Deocampo Barquillos in Jaro, lloilo, had religious origins. In 1898, Emilia González-Deocampo made altar bread for a living. Since altar bread and barquillos are cooked the same way, she tried her hand at barquillos. She formulated her own recipes, including one using coconut milk, when no […]

The beautiful coastal town which is now known as Banate has a historical background dimmed in obscurity. In fact, according to Victorio Vargas, one time Municipal President and one of the oldest living patriarchs (1935), the town has no recorded history prior to 1805 when Andres Maningo became the first […]

Nestled in the heart of the bustling District of Jaro, Superhouse Coffee stands out as a beacon for coffee enthusiasts seeking a haven dedicated solely to the art of coffee brewing. This intimate coffee joint redefines the quintessential coffee experience, focusing solely on the mastery of the bean, and it’s […]