This Coronavirus-Themed Burger Trends in Vietnam

Would you be brave enough to take a bite of a burger that looks like coronavirus? In Vietnam, there is a restaurant that sells a burger which looks like the microscopic image of the virus. Chef Hoang Tung is selling around 50 burgers a day considering that Vietnam has also implemented its own precautionary measures to flatten the curve against the pandemic.

corona virus burger
Nguyen Huy Kham / Reuters

 The Aim of Coronavirus-Themed Burger

The chef of Pizza Home takeaway restaurant told Reuters as written in that he wanted ease the fear of people about the pandemic. In Vietnam, they have a joke that if you are scared of something, you should eat it. The burger in the shape of the virus itself, should stop people from getting scared after consuming the burger.

How Chef Hoang Tung Makes the Burger

The said restaurant is actually a pizza parlor and their staff is used to make pizza and pizza dough. The chef revealed that they are using green tea powder and vegetable juice to turn the burger buns green. To shape the spike-like proteins that protrude out from the virus’ cell, they are using small bits of dough attached to the buns; then they bake it.

A special recipe for the patty topped with cheese, and customers may request any of the usual burger fixings such as lettuce, tomato and onion.

Aside from coronavirus-themed burger, other restaurants all over the world is also unleashing their creativity to have their own food to up the mood of their patrons such as toilet roll cakes and coronavirus Easter eggs.

Over To You Iloilo

We have a decent number of burger shops here in Iloilo. Would they offer this menu too? Would you order one if they do? Would Ilonggo make this as a “challenge” too? What will be the next coronavirus-themed food to arise?


Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Thu Apr 2 , 2020
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