Panasonic Beauty Officially Launches in Iloilo City

Panasonic Beauty unveiled its products for the Ilonggo market at Imperial Appliance Plaza Iloilo Mega Showroom. Present at the event is Mr. Nori Kurashina of Panasonic Beauty; Miss Sarah Jaleco of Imperial Appliance Plaza Iloilo; and Miss Vanessa Caro, Miss Universe representative of Iloilo.

panasonic beauty iloilo launch

The Panasonic Brand

Panasonic Appliances has been recognized in Iloilo as a Japan Quality brand. They are the top when it comes to refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, and other big appliances. Generations have tested and proven the quality that comes with the name Panasonic.

panasonic beauty iloilo

Panasonic Beauty, on the other hand, is launched to introduce their beauty arm to make its name known to the younger generation. Preferably, the Generation Z or the Gen Zs. They are positive that their line of hair dryers, hair straighteners, beauty care, and men’s care appliances will rise and start the buzz not just for beauty enthusiasts but also for everyone who wanted to try them.


nanoe™ (nah-know-ee) is a technology that makes Panasonic Beauty stand out from the rest of the competing brands. nanoe™ works by catching the humidity in the surrounding and transforming it into moisture that helps the hair become healthier, less frizzy, and less damaged.

Ilonggo Beauty

Vanessa Caro, Ilongga Beauty Queen, shared some of her insights on Ilonggo beauty. To her, beauty is being comfortable with your skin and using assets that you currently have. Always extenuate what you have and make the most out of it and you can never go wrong.

style with nanoe

In addition, Vanessa encouraged everyone that if you want to invest in something, you have to invest in yourself. As you invest in yourself, whether it is your appearance or your mental capabilities, you will get your return on investment at the end of the year. You can never go wrong when you invest in yourself, it would be easier to look and feel good as you can always keep your best forward.

Panasonic Beauty Prices

Here are some of the products and their prices for your reference.

panasonic beauty prices

panasonic beauty prices

panasonic beauty prices

panasonic beauty prices

panasonic beauty prices

Panasonic Beauty has a vanity corner dedicated to Imperial Appliance Plaza Iloilo. You can drop by the store anytime and have it experienced. Their beauty experts are also present to help and assist you.


Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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