Ano Sakyan from Doctors to Rob Jaro?

From Iloilo Doctors Hospital, you need to cross the street (UPV) and ride a Outside Iloilo City: Leganes Diversion Jeepney Route going to Commission Civil Street in Jaro. You need to alight at the corner of Commission Civil and Jayme Streets. You need to walk a block (Jayme Street) to reach Rob Jaro.

You can also ask assistance from the driver if you are not too familiar yet of this guide.


Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Ride from Point-to-Point

Read also: The Ultimate Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney Routes

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Ano Sakyan from Doctors to Rob Pavia?

Sun Feb 11 , 2024
From Iloilo Doctors Hospital, you need to cross the street (UPV) and ride a Outside Iloilo City: Pavia-Diversion Jeepney Route jeepney. This will be until Rob Pavia where their terminal is located. === Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Ride from Point-to-Point Read also: The Ultimate Guide to […]