Ano Sakyan from Ana Ros Village to Villa Baybay?

From Ana Ros Village, you need to board either ROUTE 13 HIBAO-AN TO CITY PROPER VIA TABUCAN HUB LOOP and you need to alight in Molo Supermart.

From Molo Supermart, board a ROUTE # 17 VILLA BAYBAY TO ILOILO CITY PROPER VIA BONIFACIO and this is going to take you to Villa Baybay areas.


Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Ride from Point-to-Point

Read also: Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney Routes

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Ano Sakyan from Molo Plaza to Plazuela?

Mon Apr 15 , 2024
From Molo Plaza, on the side of BDO/GT Mall, Molo Mansion, or Chowking preferably, wait for a ROUTE # 23 MOHON – MANDURRIAO BUSINESS DISTRICT. This jeep will pass by Plazuela. === Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Ride from Point-to-Point Read also: Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney […]