“Physical distancing”, “self-quarantine” and “flattening the curve”. These are only few words that has been dominating in our community as COVID-19 causes a global pandemic. I will not be lying but I found this situation stressful at first. Stress and anxiety creeps in slowly as the news started to focus on reporting new cases each day. But through the strong support of my family, work place and our Local Government Unit, the battle to face this new challenge has become easier.
My Personal Situation during the Pandemic and Quarantine
I shall say that there is a 180 degree turn of events in my daily routing. As a full-time employee, full-time student and at the same time blogging and doing side projects, staying at home is completely changed me.
As a full-time employee
Work-from-home setup has quickly implemented before our City Mayor could execute an Executive Order placing Iloilo City under Enhanced Community Quarantine (“ECQ”). Days before, we were issued with facilities needed for work and advised not to report to the office for the meantime.
Instead of having to wake up early, prepare to work and commute, this minutes were instantly converted to longer hours of sleep.
As a full-time student
Similar to working, we are advised to continue studying at home. Instead of going to the library and classrooms to attend classes, we were given online reports, submissions and exams to complete the remaining requirement for the semester.
Note: ECQ started in mid-March when we are “almost” done with our syllabus.
As a blogger
It was really a challenge because I mainly write topics about dine-in experiences in local restaurants. Since they are mandated to close, I need to be a little more creative to keep my page and blogsite running.
Few things I tried were writing local news, writing recipes like adobong pusit and curating food places which are open for deliveries.
Getting through the Situation
It was tough. It did not went too easy. My room is not as comfortable as the workstation or the library. Writing news or recipes was not my forte. But little by little I get used to it. I am also thankful for all the support I am getting to cope easier.
Keeping Connected with Friends
Good thing we have Messenger, Zoom and Teams. It takes only one click to connect with you friends and classmate. These communication tools are helpful to get updates, games or just simple good morning greetings. Little things as they may seem but they mean a lot.

Helping the Community
Little assistance for the community with the help of my friend, we were able to distribute food packs to our neighbors. It is not as much but I hope it can help them save a meal or two. Getting through this challenge is not just about yourself but also trying even in you most little way to aide others.
Surrounding yourself with happy community can diffuse the happy energy in you too.

Although beliefs vary, talking to someone higher than us helps a lot too. When the burden is too heavy, it is always free to ask His help to make you feel better.
Life Lessons from This
A lot. There are a lot. I cannot enumerate them all. This pandemic has taught me to appreciate even the little things like the food on my fridge and table, the frontliners and backliners and myself.
Food on the Fridge and Table
I am staying at home since March and 90% of what I am eating is home-cooked. Comparing to office setup, the proximity of the fast-food chains, milk tea and other unhealthy drinks and skipping meal is the usual. But while staying at home, I get to eat warm soup, fresh fruits and vegetables and I can convince myself to drink lots of water.

Frontliners and Backliners
Medical people, maintenance crew, food servers, guards, farmers, fishermen and people working in Business Process Outsourcing as they continue to do their job in supporting the people and the economy.
Thank you for not giving up on me. There were a lot of questions, doubts, insecurities, tests and struggles but we are still here. Whatever and whenever this ends, one thing is for sure – we are stronger and wiser.
Moving Forward
“Life goes on” three words that could summarize life. New day comes with new strength. The best way we can all move forward is channeling our adaptability skill. If we keep being myopic, we can never see the brighter sights ahead.
The New Normal
Welcome to the new normal – physical distancing, washing of hands, staying at home and going outside only when necessary. This is now the new setup we have. To protect ourselves and to protect the people close to us, strict adherence to the regulations implemented can go a long way.

This story is an entry to ComCo Southeast Asia’s “Write to Ignite Blogging Project”. The initiative is a response to the need of our times, as every story comes a long way during this period of crisis. Igniting and championing the human spirit, “Write to Ignite Blog Project” aims to pull and collate powerful stories from the Philippine blogging communities to inspire the nation to rise and move forward amidst the difficult situation. This project is made possible by ComCo Southeast Asia, co-presented by Eastern Communications and sponsored by Electrolux, Jobstreet and Teleperformance.