Rockerfellar Bistro [CLOSED]

Rockerfellar Bistro has closed down. For more Iloilo Food and Dining list, please visit

You don’t have to go to Hogsmeade to drink for some Butterbeer cause you will not find one here in Iloilo City. But you can find Caramel Beer in Rockerfellar Bistro. The place is located at The Vertex, Smallville.

Rockerfellar Bistro Caramel Beer

Here’s how it looks like. It costs P150.00 and it tastes good.

Aside from this, there are a lot of sumptuous food you can choose from. They are not serving rice meals at the date when I posted this blog but all they serve are sooooooo delicious. Their servings are generous too so when you order for a solo meal, it might be already good for two (depends on how big you……r appetite is).

This is there Nachos. The very first one to arrive at our table. So attack.

Rockerfellar Bistro Nachos

Then their got pasta – the Saucy Sausage and Bacon and Sausage Pasta.

Rockerfellar Bistro Saucy Sausage

Rockerfellar Bistro Sausage and Bacon

They also got burgers – Adam Burger and Hawaiian Burger. Adam – maybe because it got apples in it and the Hawaiian because of the pineapple? Don’t mind my explanation, I just made it up.

Rockerfellar Bistro Hawaiian Burger

Rockerfellar Bistro Adam Burger

Then this is the MUST TRY – Onion Rings!

Rockerfellar Bistro Onion Rings

It took several minutes for the food to arrive but good thing that the place got free wifi so we tried to send QuizUp challenges while waiting. Also, I haven’t captured menus because there menu is not that impressive. But their prices are just around P150 to P200. Ummmm cc: Rockerfellar Bistro Marketing, time to tweak your menu 🙂

Over-all experience? Great. Customer service, free wifi, food, pricing, comfort room. Just the menu. I hope for my next visit, it’ll level up.

With Love,




Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Share Iloilo: Bulubadiangan Island, Concepcion

Mon May 23 , 2016
96 kilometers from the City of Love, there is a 21-hectare privately owned island with a 200 meter breath taking sandbar that is waiting for us.
bulubadiangan island

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