Share Iloilo: Bulubadiangan Island, Concepcion


96 kilometers from the City of Love, there is a 21-hectare privately owned island with a 200 meter breath taking sandbar that is waiting for us.

sandbar iloilo

sandbar iloilo view

me at sandbar iloilo

How to Get There

From the city you can ride Jaro Liko Tagbak Terminal. From the said Terminal, you can then ride a bus going to Concepcion. As for us, we rented an L300 van that could take us there.
Call Time: 6:00 AM
It was my first time to travel the northern part of the province. In fairness, the roads are “motion sickness” friendly – straight and not bumpy. Travel time is around one and half hours – given the fact that the driver we hired was able to take some “short-cuts”.
Breakfast 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

view from garilva

cherrie having breakfast at garilva recreation center
We stayed at Jun Bee Garilva Recreation Center and had our breakfast first. Then we prepare going to the island.

dlinkers and unlideals team at garilva recreation center
On to the Bulubadiangan Island – 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

off to bulubadiang

cris at motor banca
Travel time via the pump boat we rented going to Bulubadiangan Island is approximately 45 minutes to an hour – depending on the condition of the seas – at the time we went there it was a bot wavy. Don’t worry that much for you won’t be bored. There are beautiful scenery that will ease all boredom away. Here are few:

sea scenery at concepcion

scenery at concepcion

Finally, the sandbar – where you have the rest of the day taking endless selfies and photo opportunities.

the beach kisses each other

the beach is calling you

the beautiful sand bar of concepcion

Swimming time!

Enjoy the salty waters and sandy feet.

little marga collecting some sea shells

alen at sanbar

alen at sanbar again

enjoying the beach

Lunch time!

There are grill available in the resort so you can bring raw food you wish to cook for lunch or dinner.

Game Time!

To spend the rest of the afternoon, we burned the time while waiting for the sun to set. Let me share to you the crazy game time.

*Guess the song title version 1*

Nope. Not the ordinary song guessing but you guess the title of the song using animal sounds.

*Guess the song title version 2*

Let your teammates guess the tagalog song title by translating it in english.

*Guess the movie title*

Teammates should guess the movie title by starting the game with ‘once upon a time’ then continue by adding the plot of the movie.

We did it while waiting for the sun to set and while enjoying the sands a bit.

view from sandbar

sandy sand and salty seas

sandy sand with cherrie

photo opportunities at sandbar

cris taking some nap at the duyan

We decided to left the private island by sunset. We then head again to garilva where we are staying.

sun kissed skin

sunset with the boat

sunset with nile

set to leave bulubadiang

preparing to leave

returning to garilva

sunset at concepcion

goodbye mr sun

sun has set at concepcion

We weren’t able to go on some island hopping at the nearby islands for it was a bit wavy that time. We only rented a small motor banca and it will be a little risky if we’ll push through plans.

wavy concepcion seas

Although we only stayed the whole day at Isla Bulubadiang, the experience was all worth it for we were able to make the most out of our short break from work.

photo opportunities at sand bar piece of branch

photo opportunities at sand bar piece of branch again


Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Tue Jun 28 , 2016
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