Ker & Co., Ltd. are exclusive distributors, shipping agents, insurance agents, and indentors.
Among the products sold by this firm are sewing thread, milk, fluorescent lamps, candies, coffee, baking powder, yeast, whiskey and wines, juice concentrates, wires and cables, outboard motors, hardware, wood preservative, etc. It is best to get in touch with their office for definite brands.

As general agents, they represent Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd., Phil. British Assurance Co., Inc., Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd., and Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. As Sub Agents for shipping, they represent Columbian Phils. Inc., Citadel Lines, International Harvester Macleod, and American President Lines.

Text from: Iloilo for the Businessman published by the International Chamber of Commerce Iloilo (1973). CPU Henry Luce III Library

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