The Fisherman: Jun Borres

Jun Borres is the Fisherman of the Jumbo Fishing Corp.

Most businessmen attribute their success to a change  in market forces, a sudden stroke of genius, or sheer luck. For Jun Borres, it nothing short of a miracle.

He tells the story like it was yesterday: “A chartered vessel had sunk off a reef in the deep sea, and I was onboard the tugboat that was to help tow the ship back into safe waters. The storm that sank the ship had not abated, and soon our vessel found itself trapped by the very same rocks that sank the vessel we were about to salvage.” All hope seemed lost as the rescue boat was dashed against the surrounding rocks by treacherous waters. In a moment of calm, Jun chanced upon a portrait of the Divine Mercy and said a silent prayer. “All of a sudden, a huge wave came crashing, sending both ships sailing over 10-foot tall rocks and into safety.”

Jun Borres

Perhaps it was indeed providence that led him to be at sea that fateful day, for even as his deep-sea fishing business has likewise ridden the wave of success, he remains ever humble in his quiet spirituality. If there’s anything the incident has taught me, it is to be detached from the material – to trust.” As such, Jun’s philosophy has extended to how he views his staff, no his team. “We don’t own the business,” he claims. “We’re just the stewards. The fishermen who do all the hard work-they are our partners, and we share the rewards commensurately.

Despite his commercial success, Jun has chosen not to stay silent- helping mobilize civil society and religious groups in an effort to solve the power and water crises facing Iloilo with the Alliance of PNoy Volunteers For a Better Tomorow, and decrying the “greed” and “non-transparency” of certain sectors, The non-political alliance has been making inroads into progress, and with Jun Borres at the helm, who knows – another miracle could be waiting in the wings.

Source: Ilonggo Initiatives published by Iloilo Business Club (2011)


Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Plaza Libertad Heritage Zone

Thu Aug 10 , 2023
The revolutionists in Panay aligned themselves with those in Luzon, affirming their identity not narrowly as llonggos but as Filipinos. In lloilo, the Philippine flag was first unfurled on Christmas Day in 1898 at Plaza Libertad, fronting San José Church. Until then, it was called Plaza de Alfonso XIl. On […]
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