Dr. Daniel Ledesma House

Dr. Daniel Ledesma House is where Dr. Daniel Ledesma Sr. Clinic was and is known to be the first owner of the privately owned Radiation Therapy Machine in the Philippines. It is located near Arroyo Fountain along Iznart Street, City Proper.

Who is Dr. Daniel Ledesma?

Dr. Daniel Ledesma is a radiologist and a part of the Magnificent Seven – the seven founders of the Philippine Radiologic Society in the year 1948 which later became the Philippine College of Radiology in 1970 and celebrating its 75th anniversary in the year 2023.

Dr. Daniel Ledesma served as the president of the Iloilo Medical Society from 1930 and 1946-1947. The clinic is on the ground floor with his residence above. The structure used to be the Iloilo Dry Dock’s offices prior to Dr. Ledesma’s purchase of the property.

He was married to Heidi Johanna Neumann and they had three children, namely Elisa Doris, Cecilia Elsa and Daniel Jose.

Read also: List of Iloilo City Cultural Heritage Sites



Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Ragoomu: A Local Comfort Food

Fri Mar 10 , 2023
Ragoomu is a local comfort food restaurant inside HLV Complex at Dungon B, Jaro, Iloilo City. Their flagship meals are their chicken choices. Aside from this, you can also get udonbok, burgers, fries, refreshing drinks, and iced coffee here. Ragoomu Menu What We Had We have almost all from their […]

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