A. Montes I Elementary School (Gabaldon Building)

Seeking information about the life of Anastasio Montes, namesake of A. Montes Elementary School.

An excerpt from “Maestros and Empire: Teachers in the Philippine Revolution of 1896” by Grace Concepcion of the University of Asia and the Pacific.

Anastasio Montes
Photo uploaded by Al John via Old Iloilo

“One of the provinces where teachers generously supported the government was Iloilo. The group of Iloilo teachers headed by Anastasio Montes Damas expressed their protest against the rebellion in an open letter to the Political and Military Governor of the province dated November 28, 1896.”

Iloilo A. Montes I Elementary School
Photo by: Aksyon Radyo Iloilo
Read also: List of Iloilo City Cultural Heritage Sites



Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Dai Pai Dong: Hong Kong Style Restaurant

Wed Jan 4 , 2023
Dai Pai Dong is a newly-opened Hong Kong-style restaurant in Jaro, Iloilo City. Diners of this new place can expect to receive a traditional yet modern Chinese dining experience from the in-house trained team within a heritage location. They are still in their soft opening and the place is not […]

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