Ano Sakyan pa Hotel Del Rio? Hotel Del Rio Jeepney Routes. Going to Hotel Del Rio but not sure what jeepney to ride. Here is the ultimate list of the most ideal jeepney to ride plus the tips and tricks to avoid high-traffic areas, climbing the stairs of the overpass, […]

Ano Sakyan Pa Go Hotels? Go Hotels Jeepney Routes. Going to Go Hotels but not sure what jeepney to ride. Here is the ultimate list of the most ideal jeepney to ride plus the tips and tricks to avoid high-traffic areas, climbing the stairs of the overpass, and the ideal […]

Senator Riza Hontiveros will give her inspirational message to the national summit of Four-L during the showcase of Iloilo Province’s new tourism slogan. The event will be attended by more than 400 participants of the Local Lady Legislators’ League of the Philippines (FOUR-L) National Summit starting, March 21, at Iloilo […]