Ano Sakyan from Tagbak Terminal to University of San Agustin?

You can reach University of San Agustin from Tagbak Terminal in one ride. All you need to ride now is ROUTE # 10 TAGBAK – ILOILO CITY PROPER. You can choose to drop by General Luna gate or Jalandoni Gate because it will now make a turn in University of San Agustin flyover – the old route of Jaro Liko NFA.

The new route of ROUTE # 10 TAGBAK – ILOILO CITY PROPER will no longer turn left in Mabini Street but will turn a block further at Jalandoni Street passing University of San Agustin conveniently.


Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Ride from Point-to-Point

Read also: The Ultimate Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney Routes

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Ano Sakyan from University of San Agustin to Mohon Terminal?

Thu Jun 1 , 2023
You can reach Mohon Terminal from University of San Agustin in one ride. All you need to ride now is ROUTE # 9 MOHON – INFANTE LOOP. You can ride at the gate facing General Luna gate. Note: This will still go downtown before returning to Molo-Villa-Mohon area. === Read […]