Ano Sakyan From Parola (Wharf) to Transcom (BPO)?

For now, there is no direct route from Parola (Wharf) to Megaworld – where Transcom is located.

From Parola, you can board a ROUTE 3 UNGKA TO CITY PROPER VIA CPU LOOP and alight at Plaza Libertad or Socorro Drug Store. Then from these points, you can board a ROUTE 5 FESTIVE WALK TO CITY PROPER VIA B. AQUINO AVE. AND SM CITY LOOP going to Megaworld area where Transcom is located.


Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Board from Point-to-Point

Read also: Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney Routes

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Ano Sakyan From City Proper To Vista Mall?

Fri Oct 28 , 2022
From City Proper areas, you can ride Mandurriao Hibao-an jeepney. For the new routes it is ROUTE 13 HIBAO-AN TO CITY PROPER VIA TABUCAN HUB LOOP. Tell the driver that you are going to “HIBAO-AN TERMINAL”. Drop by there. You can walk going inside the mall or ride a tricycle/MEX […]