Ano Sakyan from Mohon Terminal to Environmental Management Bureau Region 6?

From Mohon Terminal, ride a ROUTE # 9 MOHON – INFANTE LOOP. You can choose to alight at YMCA, Socorro Drug Store, or Plaza Libertad. From any of the points, you need to ride again a ROUTE # 3 UNGKA – ILOILO CITY PROPER VIA CPU going Parola area where the Environmental Management Bureau Region 6 is near.


Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Ride from Point-to-Point

Read also: The Ultimate Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney Routes

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Ano Sakyan from Mohon Terminal to Atrium?

Tue Jan 23 , 2024
From Mohon Terminal, ride a ROUTE # 9 MOHON – INFANTE LOOP. This jeepney is passing by Atrium area. === Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Ride from Point-to-Point Read also: The Ultimate Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney Routes Can’t find the answer you are looking for? Send a message […]