Ano Sakyan from Iloilo Sports Complex to SM Delgado?

From Iloilo Sports Complex, you need to walk until you reach the entrance to the main street (Luna Street) near PLDT.

From there, you need to board a ROUTE 3 UNGKA TO CITY PROPER VIA CPU LOOP. This will not pass by exactly SM Delgado but you can alight in the block of the old Landbank (Iznart-Solis Street) or old Amigo (Iznart-Delgado Street) and walk a block going SM Delgado. You can also request the driver to drop you to the nearest block going to SM Delgado.


Read also: Ano Sakyan Ko? Ilonggos’ Guide What Jeepney to Board from Point-to-Point

Read also: Guide to Iloilo City Jeepney Routes

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Ano Sakyan from Pavia to Doctors?

Sun Jun 9 , 2024
From Pavia, you can board either of the following to reach Iloilo Doctors area: Outside Iloilo City: Pavia-Diversion Jeepney Route Outside Iloilo City: Sta. Barbara Jeepney Route ROUTE 4 UNGKA TO CITY PROPER VIA B. AQUINO AVE./ FESTIVE WALK LOOP (only from GT and Rob Pavia) === Read also: Ano Sakyan […]