DBP Building

The three main activities of the DBP are loaning banking, and the sale of progress bonds. Generally, these loans are classified as agricultural, industrial, and real estate. Banking is concentrated on savings and time deposits. Progress Bonds are sold to finance the further economic development of the Philippines. All particular information on the above could be given by the DBP office.

DBP Building

Text from: Iloilo for the Businessman published by the International Chamber of Commerce Iloilo (1973). CPU Henry Luce III Library

dbp iloilo

[Read also] List of Iloilo City Cultural Heritage Sites



Sheila is a digital marketing enthusiast. She is a kdrama fan, a dog person and a certified foodie!

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Gen. Macario Peralta Jr. Monument

Thu Feb 1 , 2024
The Gen. Macario Peralta Jr. Statue and Park, now known as the Freedom Park, was erected in honor of one of the bravest guerilla fighters in Panay Iloilo City is home to some of the best examples of Spanish and Colonial architecture as well as historical shrines and museums. [Read […]

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